Últimos Eventos

A Luz Feroz do Teu Rosto de Eucanaã Ferraz

A Casa dos Ceifeiros e a Térmita convidam-no para aapresentação de:SOB A LUZ FEROZ DO TEU ROSTOde Eucanaã Ferraz12 de Julho às 18h30mLargo de Mompilher 54050-392 PortoInformações: j.reis.sa@gmail.com

Arquiteturas Film Festival

The Arquiteturas Film Festival takes place in Porto between June 27 and 30, presenting a program of films, debates, installations and walks. The festival has four programming sections, including the participation of Bêka & Lemoine as 'Guest Directors’ and LOCUMENT as curators of the 'Official Program'.INSTALLATION28.06, Friday | Official Programme17h15, TérmitaGuided Visit to the Installation […]