Deusa Náusea – Inês Malheiro


Deusa Náusea being intimately unusual, balances you as in the cradle of a feverish baby with its fragmented beauty and her delicacy that serpentines our brain. Polarized, reversed, perplexed, epithelialized by espectral processes and beleza pura. Chunks of voices chopped and minced in the metric drip leave you in continuous tele-transformation, by centrifuging our deepest interiors as if she would like to break with just enough strength the structural matrix of a song. Inês Malheiro, with her peripheral vision and a bouquet of Gerberas and Peonies, makes this day an anisotropic pleasure.
Alex Lázaro



lançado em 14 de outubro de 2022

written, recorded and produced by inês malheiro
march 2020 – february 2022

mixed by nuno loureiro
mastered by rafael silver

Format: k7

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